Privacy Policy

The Crazy Time app is deeply committed to safeguarding the privacy and security of every player’s personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of data collected, the methods used to protect this data, and the circumstances under which information may be shared. The app operates under strict data protection regulations and ensures that all personal info is handled responsibly and transparently, providing a secure environment for our users.

Information collection and use

We carefully collect only the necessary data to provide a seamless and secure user experience. The information gathered is used exclusively to enhance app functionality and protect player data. 

Types of data collected

The Crazy Time app collects only the material necessary to provide quality services and ensure security. The data collected may include:

  • Device info (type, model, operating system);
  • IP address;
  • Interaction with the app (usage frequency, features accessed).

Purpose of data usage

The collected data is used solely for the following purposes:

  • Performance Optimization. We analyze player interactions to improve speed and stability. This helps ensure that the application works smoothly on all devices.
  • Security Enhancements. IP addresses and device details help prevent unauthorized access and detect security threats, keeping the app and players safe.
  • Personalization of Features. We use data to customize the gaming experience, including personalized game suggestions and tailored promotions.
  • Compliance with Legal Obligations. Sometimes, the programs must use personal details to meet legal requirements. This could involve reporting suspicious activities or responding to legal requests.
  • Improving Customer Support. The app reviews usage data to identify issues and improve support, helping to resolve problems faster and more effectively.

Data storage and protection

The Crazy Time app takes the security of player details very seriously. Protecting stored data is a top priority to ensure it remains safe from unauthorized access. The app uses several advanced techniques to store and safeguard this info effectively.

Storage methods

The Crazy Time app stores data on secure servers that use advanced encryption to protect information, ensuring it is unreadable to unauthorized users. We regularly back up data to prevent loss in case of technical issues, and these backups are also encrypted for additional security. Personal details are stored in multiple locations to ensure redundancy, meaning that even if one server fails, the information remains safe and accessible. Access to storage is strictly controlled, with only authorized personnel able to access sensitive info, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. Additionally, the servers are protected by firewalls, which act as barriers to block unauthorized attempts to access the stored data and safeguard against external threats.

Data protection measures

The Crazy Time application uses several methods to protect player details:

  • Regular Security Audits. The app conducts regular audits to identify and fix vulnerabilities, which helps keep it secure against potential threats.
  • Firewalls. Firewalls block unauthorized access and are barriers between the app’s servers and potential attackers.
  • Anti-Malware Systems. The app has anti-malware systems in place to detect and remove harmful software. These systems are regularly updated to handle new threats.
  • Restricted Access. Access to player records is restricted to authorized personnel only. This ensures that only those with proper clearance can view sensitive information.
  • Encryption. Information is encrypted during transmission. Encryption scrambles the details, making them unreadable to anyone who might intercept them, ensuring they remain secure.

Disclosure of information to third parties

We share player details with third parties with clear and valid reasons. Information may be disclosed if required by law, such as in response to a legal request or court order. This ensures the app complies with legal obligations. In cases where sharing info is necessary to protect the program’s rights, property, or safety, it may also be disclosed. For example, if there is a threat to the app’s or its users’ security, relevant information could be shared with authorities or security services. 

Additionally, if the application involves a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, player information might be transferred to the new owner as part of the transaction. In all these cases, the app ensures that any disclosure prioritizes the privacy and security of player information.

Circumstances for disclosure

Information may be disclosed to third parties in the following circumstances:

  • Compliance with legal obligations:
  • Protection of the app’s rights, property, or safety, as well as the safety of its users;
  • In the event of another company’s merger or acquisition of the app.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Crazy Time app reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy. Any changes will be communicated on this page and will take effect immediately upon posting.

Helpful information

Our application Crazy Time operates in full compliance with the law, ensuring that consumer rights are respected. All content and features within the app are the exclusive property of our company and are protected by copyright. Our privacy and cookie policies clearly explain how personal data is processed. We are committed to promoting legal, enjoyable, safe, and trustworthy gaming experiences.


[email protected]


[email protected]

Licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority under license MGA/B2B/239/2024.